In Conversation – Tim Minchin


Hey guys. I interviewed Tim Minchin for Inconnu Mag and it just came out finally. I am so so proud of this one. I think the conversation we had was amazing and I wish I could talk to everyone this way. Please check it out and share it if you like it. Thank you.

In Conversation – Tim Minchin

Tim Minchin: The satirist who ran out of upwards to punch

…there’s a parallel story about words here, because a satirist – particularly one with a social conscience, particularly in the age of the online outrage machine – must weaponise his or her ability to be offensive, and then ensure it obliterates the intended target rather than bystanders. A satirist lives and dies in the grey idea between intended and unintended offence.

Tim Minchin: The satirist who ran out of upwards to punch